Tuesday, August 28, 2012

new school semester

well a new school semester has begun. and its ssdd : Same Shit Different Day. go to first day of class. 'ok everyone this is a syllabus... blah blah blah. ok go home and read the book.'
waste of a day. i could of slept in instead of waking up just to go to class and see rules. but what ever im just ready for this shit to start rolling along. i just hate having wasting my day in a class were no lesson is being taught. ok so let it be and let the semester begin!

What Makes Me Smile: Being a full time student in this economy is no su...

What Makes Me Smile: Being a full time student in this economy is no su...: Being a full time student in this economy is no sunny walk in the park. But for most of American society it's just the way it is, so how d...

Sunday, August 26, 2012


The "never" network. Fuck that shit and its so called "now" network . Stupid shit sucks. It should be called crawl the never network. And where the hell is my 4g?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Well..., this is awkward

I was bored while eating and decided to doodle with some ketchup packets. And well... this is my final piece .